Friday, October 01, 2004

More Presidential Than The President

That was the headline I woke up to this morning. My e-mail was filled with with cheery letters of praise for John Kerry's preformance last night. Now I watched the debate, and I thought John Kerry was the winner, but I tend to be a little biased in that area. Many of my friends and the media I subcribe to are also a little slanted to the left, so I wasn't jumping to any conclusions just yet. I decided to take a look at some of the more mainstream and even conservative corporate news outlets, fully expecting the right wing spin machine to be in full gear. Yet what to my wondering eye should appear but editorial after editorial declaring John Kerry the winner!

Really it was a bit like Christmas morning. Here were a few of the quotes I took from major news sources:

Boston Globe: "Ladies and gentlemen, you wake today to a whole new presidential race. Last night, John Kerry won as clear a debate victory as we've seen since Ronald Reagan outdueled Jimmy Carter in 1980…The Democratic challenger seemed more serious and substantive, more knowledgeable and confident, than the man who holds the job."

ABC News , "John Kerry won the debate."

Gallup Poll: "Kerry winning by 16 percentage points, with 46% of the viewers saying that the debate made their opinion of Kerry more favorable"

CBS News, "John Kerry won the debate."

I myself always think that George Bush comes off looking like a bumbling moron, or a child throwing a tantrum, but it's always nice to have those views comfirmed by the machine that is mass media. For instance:

The Washington Post spoke of the President's "stammering and pausing."

New York Times said he was "scowling and grimacing" and "petulant."

Boston Globe talked about his "sighing, clenching his teeth, rolling his eyes."

LA Times said he seemed "tired and annoyed."

CBS News described Bush as "scowling at times and looking away in apparent disgust at others."

Mark Halperin of ABC News: "George Bush was "remarkably angry-seeming."

Ok so John Kerry looked great, won the debate, came off looking "more presidential than the President," and George just threw a tantrum. That's how middle America saw last night, but that's not the best part. Even the conservatives are hanging their heads in shame.

Bill Kristol of Fox News, the mouth piece of conservative America, said, "I think Kerry did pretty well, and…we're going to have a real presidential race."

And right wing-ultra conservative Joe Scarborough ultimately admited, "I don't see how anybody could look at this debate and not score this a very clear win, on points, for John Kerry."

There you have it folks, we've now got ourself a real Presidential race and the tides are turning in John Kerry's Favor. I can't wait for Tuesday night when we'll all get to see John Edwards mop the floor with Dick (Halliburton) Cheney.

Until next time, peace and love,



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