Monday, July 19, 2004

VP part one

Well, I took Sunday as a day of rest, but there’s just soooo much to blog about I am going to jump right back in.  This entry may have to be a two-parter.
Today I want to deal with Vice Presidents.  I am very excited about John Edwards.  I liked him early on in the campaign but decided to back the more liberal Howard Dean, in hopes that he would drive the party further from the Republicratic center.  However, once the good doctor was out of the race, I couldn’t help but appreciate Edwards, the young “son of a mill worker” from the Carolinas.  He was handsome, energetic, smart, and an amazing public speaker.   As soon as the nomination went to Kerry, I knew Edwards was the obvious pick for a VP.  Politically, he has everything Kerry lacks:  charisma, vitality, modest background, and the South.  No wonder the Bush clan was scared. 
The President made an unprecedented attack on Edwards right out of the box by calling him a “Disingenuous, unaccomplished, liberal.” Usually presidents ignore VP nominees, and never before has one incurred such wrath.  Granted the President probably didn’t come up with those comments on his own (does anyone really think the President knows what the word “disingenuous” means?).  Perhaps they were planted on him by the “puppet master,” which leads nicely into my next point.
When asked how John Edwards stacked up to Dick Cheney “President” Bush shot back, “Dick Cheney can be president. Next?”  Tsk tsk George, such arrogance!
However, John Kerry answered the cowboy later that day by saying, “He was right that Dick Cheney was ready to take over on Day One.  And he did, and he has been ever since.”  
Can’t you just hear Cheney shouting, “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!”
If I were Mr. Halliburton, I wouldn’t want to be attracting much attention right now either.  What with all his Enron buddies being sent up river, I imagine little Dick is trying to lay low.  I mean, how long can you get away with sending our men and women in uniform to war and then gouging them in the illegal contracts your company makes with the military. 
According to this week’s TIME magazine (were I got a lot of the information for this post) Kerry and Bush are running a close race with Kerry having a very slight lead, but when asked about Edwards and Cheney, 47% said Edwards would make a better President while only 38% favored Cheney.   In fact, Cheney has become such a liability that many are calling for his resignation.   They say history is bound to repeat itself, and G.W. should know as well as anyone that when you are running close in the polls, vice presidents can be very damaging (can anyone say Dan Quayle?).  We can only hope that one-term presidencies run in the family as well.
Stay tuned tomorrow for a closer comparison of Cheney and Edwards. 


Blogger Susan said...

I find it sad that "liberal" (as Bush used) has become a derogatory term. Courts just ruled that "gay" is no longer grounds for defamation; when will people recognize that being liberal is not a bad thing? I suppose this is only the first of the negativity we'll see in this campaign, but what else does Bush have to rely on without any viable health care plan, a feasible education plan, or non-destructive foreign affairs plan?

July 21, 2004 at 5:00 AM  

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