Friday, July 16, 2004

With Friends Like That, Who Needs Enemies?

Wow, G.W. declined to visit the NAACP's national conventional.  Way to be George, piss off a major voting block, not to mention the fact that the convention was held in a major swing state.  He also seemed to forget that a large demographic within the religious right he is catering to is the Black Church.  Kerry and Edwards were there though, thankfully.  Kerry vowed to be a President who has an open dialogue with everyone, even those who disagree with him.  In turn the NAACP has called for their members to "oust" the "illegitimate" president from the White House.  The White House responded by saying "President" Bush is not racist, the proof being "he's has black friends."   Wow, really?  Black friends? Well then he can't be racist!  Hey I think that's the same thing Laura Bush said when accused of being homophobic, that the Bushes "had gay friends." 
So, The Bush's have black friends, and they have gay friends, maybe even black friends that are gay (no that'd probably be too much for them to handle all at once.)  I wonder if they asked their black friends before they signed onto a law suit to try to break down Affirmitive Action.  Perhaps they talked to Colin Powell and Condi Rice about it, but no that wouldn't make sense; they are both major supporters of Affirmative Action, and why wouldn't they be?  It gave them the chance to go to school, rise through the ranks, and do countless other things they would have normally been denied.  In fact if it wasn't for Affirmative Action, Bush would probably never have met either of them!  As to their gay friends, I imagine those dinner conversations are going to be a little tense knowing you just called your guests a threat to the American family.  I wonder if the Bushes feel their family threatened when they are arround these so-called gay friends.  I can just hear them now.
Laura:  Georgie porgie
G.W. : Yes pudding pop?
Laura: Adam and Steve are coming over tonight
G.W.: The queers?
Laura: Yes, the queers.
G.W. Ok I'll go hide the sharp objects and load the gun.
Laura: Thanks honey, but don't put it where they can see it.  
G.W. Right, I'll put it under the table just in case.
Laura: They seem like such nice boys, but you never know.
G.W. You can never be too careful when it comes to queers!
Wow, black friends and gay friends even though you consistantly screw over their community.  Maybe what they meant to say was "We HAD black friends," and "We HAD gay friends," but we can't seem to find them.  And now that you mention it, when we drive by their houses we can't even see in the windows, what with all the Kerry/Edwards stickers in the way."


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