Wednesday, July 14, 2004


Well, surprise surprise the anti-gay amendment fails. Not only did it not have the 2/3 support it needed it didn't even have a simple majority in the Senate. Yawn. What a waste, Bush couldn't even rally his own troops. 12 republicans voted against the measure. What a waste of half a week!

On the bright side, the Washington Post (usually pretty conservative paper) called the vote an "embarrassment" and a "failure" for the Bush administration, especially this close to an elections. Yippee silver lining, Bush looks as stupid and divisive as he actually is.

Well the House is supposed to go at the debate next week, hopefully they will spare us all the drama after this wash out.

P.S. the plan also failed because it has now sparked several lawsuits against DOMA, but that's a whole ‘nother post.

Until I write drink and be married


Blogger Rachild said...

With a Political Science degree I want to go into non-profit organization, but there's always the possiblility of campaign politics, basically any bureaucracy, public service and the ever popular law. AS you can see I'm have chose by far the lowest paying of my choices...sigh.

As to the Bush's "religious" views, so much for a seperation of church and state!

July 14, 2004 at 9:11 PM  

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