Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Wag The Dog

Ok folks, I hate to sounds like I’m one to buy into conspiracy theory, but I find this whole business about terrorist attacks a little bit too convenient. I mean not only does is happen at a time when Kerry and Edwards are getting a lot of media attention, the administration keeps saying this is so important for the American people to hear but the instructions they are giving us about it haven’t changed a bit since last week. The terror level hasn’t even been raised. If we are honestly under a greater threat than we were, why is our warning level the same? This is getting to be a little too much like the boy who cried wolf.

Furthermore, and here where the conspiracy theory gets thick, a year ago one of my best professors predicted we wouldn’t even be having elections this year. She is a specialist in political science and she said that if things started looking bad for Bush he could just declare a state of heightened security, raise the terror alert and postpone the election under the guise of national safety. At the time I thought she was beings a little over dramatic, but then yesterday I read the headline, U.S. Mulling How to Delay Nov. Vote in Case of Attack. If you want the whole story you can read it here, but the basic gist of it is that there is now “evidence” (although this can’t be released) that the terrorist want to attack on election day. This new evidence taken into consideration, the government may have to postpone the elections. Once again I hate to sound cynical, but, I bet they only have to postpone them long enough for Bush’s numbers to rebound.

Ok, I hope I’m wrong, but just incase I’m not, keep an eye out. The Democratic National Convention is coming up and the Dems numbers are sure to rise during that time. That many pissed of Dems should have ole GW wetting his pants. Watch closely, I think he’ll find a way to pull a rabbit out of his dirty little cowboy hat.


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