Monday, September 27, 2004

Any One Feel a Draft in Here?

Hey Folks I've been really shocked to find out how few people realize that draft legislation has been entered into both the House and Senate. Did you all hear that? I said Draft as in conscription, as in forcing you to go to war. Like it's not bad enough that George Bush dodged the draft and then sent the next generation into war, now he wants to reinstate the same policy he refused to serve under.

Now you may be asking yourself, "What is she talking about? If the draft were starting up again I would know about it. " That's where you are wrong. The Bush Administration is working very hard to keep this from getting media coverage until after the election. I wonder why that is? Perhaps he knows the American people don't want another draft. Maybe he realizes that it would be impossible to get reelected if he told the country that he planned on sending another generation to war against their will. Who knows if he told people he was planning on reinstating the draft maybe he would have to admit that we are not winning the war in Iraq. Whatever his reasons are, the draft legislation is being held in commitee until after the election. If these bills start moving again as soon as the election is over, we could see a wide scale draft as early as June 2005.

So, are you still reading or have you hopped a bus for Canada? If you are going to leave the country you had better do it before the draft goes into action because thanks to Ronald Reagan legislation has passed that will bar all citizens between the aged of 18 and 26 from leaving the country during the time of the draft so Canada is no longer an option. Think you are safe because you are a student? Think again! Under the revised Civil Service Acts educational deferments no longer exist. If you are in college when you are drafted you are allowed to finish your current semester and only your current semester before reporting for duty. And for you ladies sitting back feeling sorry for the guys who might get drafted, you have another thing coming as well. Also included in the revised version of the Civil Service Acts are provisions to draft women as well. That's right, we still aren't considered equals when it comes to pay rates or legal protections, but when it comes to fighting oil wars the government has finally decided to believe in women's equality.

Worried? Disgusted? Confused? You don't have to take my word for it. The Bills are House Bill 163 and Senate Bill 89. Their topic is labeled as "Universal National Service". You can check it out for yourself on an official government sight that lets you search all the legislation before congress. Also you can check to see if your local darft board positions are currently being filled (most of them are) but running any number of govenment searches online.

Peace Out,



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