Tuesday, July 27, 2004

DNC Part One

Well, the festivities have begun. The Democratic National Convention kicked off last night. C-Span is givng full coverage to the event, so I parked in front of the T.V. for a solid 3 hours last night. There is really so much to blog about I've gone a little stir crazy trying to pick just one. As memorable as Bill and Hilary both were, not to mention the empassioned speech by Rev. Allston who served on John Kerry's Swift Boat in Vietnam, I think that I really have to focus on something said by Jimmy Cater, God Bless him; he got up on that stage and gave 'em hell. I could just retype his speech here, but I am sure you could find it online.

The one thing I do want to focus on is President Cater's quote about America's place in the world. He said, "America cannot lead if our leaders mislead." Sadly, that quote sums up our current situation. We as Americans have been lied to over and over again. We were deliberately deceived into entering a war that has cost us our standing as world leader in freedom and justice. From the time this administration entered office, we were fed a set of lies and exaggerations that led to a deadly case of "Group think" so that when the time came for Bush to make his move, we were so misinformed that the citizens of the most powerful nation in the world were not able to even question the facts of our situation.

I recommend that all of you read the article "The Dots Never Existed" in the July 19th edition of Newsweek. It states that the bulk of the "evidence" given by the Bush administration was attained by questioning an "especially dubious Iraqi defector, dubbed 'Curve Ball' inside the intelligence community." Everything Curve Ball said flew in the face of conventional intelligence, and the only American who ever spoke directly with him (a pentagon analyist)concluded he was "an alcholic and utterly useless as a source."

On the other hand, the article reports that when numerous "Iraqi officials and scientists stepped forward to claim that Saddam had actually destroyed his weapons of mass destruction stockpiles and discontinued his programs (a claim that appears to be increasingly likely to have been the truth), they were branded as liars--while dubious sources like Curve Ball, whose stories were in step with the Administraion, were embraced."

There you have it: 900 young American Soliders are dead, the Arab world is once again ablaze with Anti-Americanism, and the American tax payers are being saddled with the burden of an 80 billion dollar war, all based on the word of a man named Curve Ball, who gave his only deposition while "nursing a terrible hangover."

The rest of the world knows that we acted on lies, they know that we followed a leader into war based on one inconsistancy after another, they know we attacked a country without any threat or provocation. We have lost our moral high ground. America is no longer seen as a leader of the world, thanks to a government that misleads its own people.


Blogger Lori O said...

Check out the girls protesting the RNC in NY.

and here

September 1, 2004 at 7:41 PM  

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