Saturday, October 02, 2004

Dumb gives way to Dumber

Well, if the Senate was dumb for taking up the Federal Marriage Ammendment then the House is even dumber.

Republicans continued to push this week for a constitutional ammendment that would ban gay marriage and came off looking like the divisive little biggots they are when the measure failed miserably. Quick little government lesson here, the House of Representatives has 435 members. To pass a constituitional ammendment (something that has only happened 17 times since the Bill of Rights was passed in 1789) the ammendment must be passed in both the house and Senate with a 2/3 majority.

Now the FMA was already defeated in the Senate so there was no chance of it passing to the states for ratification (see my post titled Embarassment 7/14/04) but House Republicans decided to push the issue. The final vote came down to 227 yeas and 186 nays with 22 representatives not voting. While this did constitute a simple majority, it fell crushingly short of the 273 votes need to make 2/3 supermajority needed to pass the measure. As a kicker 27 Republicans crossed party lines to vote against the ban. Seems like G.W. can't even rally the support needed from his own party.

Democrats called the measure "a sad attempt to drive a wedge in the 2004 campaigns" (Planetout). Rebulicans sold their souls to the far right and in an attempt to up their score with the Christian Coalition lost a major battle to the gay and lesbian communitity. All I can say is it serves them right!

Until next time, lots of love,



Blogger Emancipated said...

I would have to completly agree =) 20 m ks engaged to the most wonderfulest ( if that's a word lol) Man in the world! =)

October 2, 2004 at 3:13 PM  

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