Monday, November 01, 2004

Let's Talk about Tax, baby

So I keep hearing Republicans talk about how electing John Kerry President is a sure fire way to get our taxes raised. I guess that my first response is that John Kerry’s tax plan will not raise taxes on any individual that makes under 200,000 dollars a year. Now, I know who reads this blog, and that 99% of you do not fall into that category. I myself am currently sitting below the poverty level so the chances of John Kerry raising my taxes are . . . well let’s just say people in hell are more likely to get some ice water.

But let’s just pretend for a minute that taxes are going to get raised, who would you rather have spending you tax dollars? I for one would welcome the chance to have our taxes being handled by a democratic president. I think paying taxes under the Kerry administration would not only make our country a better place, I think it would end up saving me money in the long run.

O.K. honestly, I’m a bit of a socialist, meaning I believe that as a Chrisitian I am called to help take care of my fellow man, but even those of you who think with your wallet, stick with me here.

Take education for example, yes right now I don’t like paying taxes to George Bush’s education plan which ends up leaving over 9 million children behind (Look as what his budget cuts did to small town schools) but if John Kerry asked me to give some money to education I’d gladly give it. If our schools got more money maybe they would get better, any maybe they could even compete with private schools, saving Americans the millions of dollars they spend sending kids to non-public schools just so they have a fair shot at a real education. Not to mention that educated students get better jobs and stimulate the economy much more that the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy ever would. A highly educated generation would also help America compete in a global market with countries in Europe and Asia whose education systems are consistently ranked well above us in global tests. Those workers would then be able to pay more into social security making it cheaper for the generations above them to retire. Finally a solid education system prevents crime by keeping kids off the street, and providing them with a future too valuable to screw up by resorting to petty crime (this is a fact that has been confirmed constantly over the past 50 years by any number of studies done here in the U.S.A.). Get it?

Let’s do one more. Right now I wouldn’t want to pay taxes to the Bush camp because I know he is using that money to give breaks to pharmaceutical companies but under John Kerry I would be paying money to save money.

I may loose 300 dollars a year to the Bush Tax cuts but I really think I could make that up in what I pay for my allergy medicines alone. I spend $35 a month all year long for Zyrtec, $28 dollars a month for Flonase (September through January), and $25 twice a year for amoxicillin (sinus infections), which come to $610 year just for allergies (no major surgeries or injuries). If I were able to buy these same drugs from Canada I’d be able to knock that down to 285 a year saving me a whopping $325 per year which more than make up for the lousy $300 Bush gave me with his tax cut.

However this hasn’t even taken into account the human side of the problem, and that is that if John Kerry were in charge of our Tax Dollars we would finally be able to see that every child would have the medical attention they need. We are the most powerful country in the world and a woman is more likely to die during child birth here than in any other country in the western world. On top of that we are 27th in infant mortality rates. We are tied with Cuba when it comes to the rate at which babies die during infancy. George Bush talks and talks about abortion (even though he hasn’t done a thing to stop it) and at the same time he refuses to do anything about saving the lives of the children that are born in America. If my 300 tax dollars could save to the life of just one child, then some one please tell me where I can send the check.

So there you have it, I love paying taxes as long as they are being used correctly. If John Kerry can take my money and turn it around to save lives rather that throwing it into military budgets that destroy lives, then bring it on. We are richest nation in the world, let give some of that money to a democratic government that will put it to use, saving the lives of our children, securing a valid education for our youth, and providing affordable healthcare for our entire population.

The choice is yours,

Vote Democrat!


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