Monday, October 18, 2004

Crazy is as Crazy Does

Ok for those of you who don't know, we a have an interesting Senate race going on here in Illinois. It's not interesting because it's close, but rather it's interesting because watching one the contenders is somewhat reminicient of watching a train wreck. Some of you might remember Alan Keyes from his run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2000. He lost miserably as he usually does (He's been doing this for a long time).

Here in Illinois when Jack Ryan dropped out of the race for Senate due to sexual scandal, Ryan left Republican leaders scrambling to appoint another candidate to take on the stellar Barak Obama, who was skyrocketing to fame and adoration among not only Illinoisans but Americans in general. They asked several people, including former governors of Illinois to run, but no one in Illinois was crazy enough to sink millions of dollars into an unwinnable race, so they had to go out of state. In fact, they went all the way to Maryland before they found Alan Keyes who was willing to run (or crazy enough).

Since entering the race that he is losing 30% to 70%, he has added several crazy statements to his long repitoire of insanity. He told a group six year olds that Obama believes it would be ok to take them and kill them by bashing thier heads against a wall. This was a reference to Obama's pro-choice stance. Apparently some six year olds somewhere are now as equally confused as to why anyone would elect this guy.

He called Mary Cheney a selfish hedonist, and there is just so much I could do with this. For one, the Cheneys had no comment for Keyes attack on their daughter; however, when John Kerry brings her up politely and respectfully during the debate, they go on TV and call him dirty, which just proves the only person using Mary Cheney for political leverage is Dick Cheney. Going back to the original quote, a hedonist is someone who is seeking pleasure, so we can all assume that in the words of Jon Stuart "it really makes it sound like Alan Keyes would really like to suck dick himself."

Then finally today, just when I thought I'd heard it all, I read a new and quite possibly my favorite quote. Apparently Keyes said that children of gays and lesbians will all grow up to be incestuous. "If we do not know who the mother is, who the father is, without knowing all the brothers and sisters, incest becomes inevitable," Keyes told the Marquette Park rally held to oppose same-sex marriages. "Whether they mean it or not, that is what will happen. If you are masked from your knowing your biological parents, you are in danger of encountering brothers and sisters you have no knowledge of."

The obvious question here is, isn't that really more likely to be the case with children who are adopted and don't know either of their parents? My children will know their bio-dad from day one, so Keyes' arguments don't apply to me. In fact, most gay and lesbian parents know their donors and most donor contracts carry provisions for the children to meet the donors by their 18th birthdays at the very latest. I think during these meetings they would also be told about any other siblings. Keyes comments weren't just dumb; they were horribly uninformed. Apparently no one explained to Mr. Keyes that he was actually condeming adoption with his comments more than he was condeming gay and lesbian parents, and since he doesn't support a woman's right to choose, and he thinks that children raised by non-biological parents are going to lead us into incest, then he's put himself in quite a quagmire, but I'm sure he's too busy being crazy to notice the contradiction.

Oh well, he is good fun even if he's isn't completely stable. I'll almost be sad when Obama send him back to Maryland . . . almost.

Until then, our rallying cry has been, "Vote for Obama, he's from Illinois!"



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