Saturday, October 09, 2004

That's the Facts

Buenos Dias,

I've got time to do a quick post before heading off to the synagogue, and I want to talk about last night's debate. The pundits are calling it a tie, and the polls are showing Kerry with a slight lead that usually falls within the margin of error. It kind of makes me wonder if I saw the same debate as other people. I came away from the event feeling it was a solid win for Kerry, but as usual I am pretty biased in that area.

I do realize that the average American doesn't get the privilege of sitting in political science classrooms Monday through Friday like I do, so it may be hard to tell what's true and what boils down to more lies. For those of you who are in this situation, I suggest which is a great nonpartisan website run by the Annenberg Public Policy center. Dick Chenney alluded to the site during the Vice-Presidential debates, but he got the address, like so many other things, wrong. He told people to look at a website that really has nothing to do with politics. Ironically, it's a business search engine, kind of ironic that Cheney slips from politics to big business. . . go figure.

Back to last night's debate, I have to say my favorite "fact check moment" was when Kerry made reference to Bush's getting a cut from a timber company, and Bush swaggers across the stage with that stupid Curious George look in his face and asks "I have a timber company?" blah blah blah, (to Charles Gibson) "Would you like some wood? he he he." Well, as it turns out, "In fact, according to his 2003 financial disclosure form, Bush does own part interest in LSTF, LLC," a limited-liability company organized "for the purpose of the production of trees for commercial sales." Dumbass! I'm sorry, but did he really think that people weren't going to check on that? And what kind of President doesn't know his own investments?

Running a close second to the timber moment was when Bush made a Freudian slip that in it's stupidity wasn't actually a lie. He's was trying to lie but in reality he botched the statment so bad he made it true! Bush said, "Senator Kennedy was the most liberal senator as ranked by the National Journal. This folks is very true in many cases, (Sen. Ted Kennedy has been the most liberal Senator for several of the years he's been in office) but Bush was pointing to Kerry when he said Kennedy! I think he was trying to say, as he has said before, that Kerry is the most liberal Democrat in the senate, which is a lie, a damnable lie! He is deliberately bending the report to say what he wants. In reality, Kerry was the most economically liberal senator on 20 key votes in the year 2003. That statment is a far cry from calling Kerry the senate's most liberal legislator. However it is very funny that Bush forgot the name of his opponent.

Another moment that was not as joyous, but was noththeless a lie, was when Bush said, "75% of all known al Quaeda members have been brought to justice. A more accurate statement should read, "We have captured or killed almost 75% of the 24 al Qaeda members that we knew were involved with the group pre-9/11." Do you all see the difference there? 75% of 24 people is 18. So we have killed 18 of the 24 people that could have planned 9/11, as oppsed to killing 75% of the entire terroist organization. We do not know how many people have joined al Qaeda since then, and we don't know who has replaced the leaders we have killed.

See folks, if something sounds fishy, it probably is! You don't have to take my word for it. There are plenty of more neutral sources out there that will tell you the same thing. There were several more major inaccuracies in Bush's performance last night, but I would be here all day if I outlined each one of them. The botttom line can be summed up with a quote from Sen. Daniel Moynihan:, "Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts."




Blogger Susan said...

I thought Kerry had some very decisive moments where he showed Bush's incompetence, and the timber moment is certainly one of them. I just hope that people get the word that Bush is too stupid to keep track of his own money--people should fear he's not keeping track of theirs, either

October 10, 2004 at 9:54 AM  

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