Saturday, January 08, 2005


Hey Friends,

I looks like after 20 years in the Illinos State House and Senate we might actaully have a shot of passing legislation that would add sexual orientation to the state nondriscrimination codes. This would be a huge step towards gay and lesbian equality in Illinois.

Some of you may not know that as of right now, I can be fired from my job because I am gay. My employer does not need to cite any other reason; in fact, I could be the best employee he's ever had, but if he doesn't like the fact that I share my life with a woman, he could fire me. I could also be denied housing because I am gay. This is where straight people come in as well, because the bill protects people based on their real or percieved sexual orientation, because even if you are not gay, you can still be denied an apartment with a roomate of the same sex simply beuase the landlord suspects you might be a gay couple. Finally, under current laws my partner and I could be thrown out of any public space (restaurants, stores, theaters, clubs) for no reason other than the fact that we are lesbians.

However that could all change on Monday or Tuesday of this week if Illinois State Senators vote yes on Senate Bill 3186.

This bill does not give anyone special rights; it only gives gays and lesbians equal protection under the law. Furthermore, this bill does not infringe on anyone's religious freedoms in that it has a built-in exemption for churches and religious organizations. This bill boils down to simple human rights, and anyone who says otherwise is either misinformed or is a liar.

This is a crucial piece of human rights legislation and it has got to pass this week or it will be put back on the shelves several more years. Please go to the Equality Illinois website and use their legislative tools to e-mail your Senator to ask for his/her support on passing Senate Bill 3186.

Please take the time to let your elected officals know that the time for institutionalized bigotry has passed and that you want all of Illinois citizens to be given the basic human rights they deserve.

Thanks for all your love and support,



Blogger Lori O said...

Hey Rach...tell the story of your visit to Springfield.


January 22, 2005 at 7:53 AM  

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