Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Hey folks,

Once again I have decided to take a break from spitting on Republican's cars and put my anger towards something productive.

I was really startled this weekend when I heard some usually well informed people state that they knew very little about John Roberts, Jr., the man who would be supreme court justice should he be confirmed. Let me just say, he may be making decisions for us for a very long time, so it's time take a few extra minutes and do some homework.

There are a couple of easy tests you can use to determine what kind of candidate John Roberts is. For instance there is an old Spanish saying that translates into "Tell me who you walk with, and I'll tell you who you are." Similar to the English, "If you lie down with dogs you are going to get up with fleas."

So who does John Roberts run with? Besides the major stike one that comes from being nominated by King George II, he has also had ringing endorsements from all of his buddies on the far religious right.

The violent group Operation Rescue (The ones who kill abortion providers in cold blood) said they are praying around the clock for Roberts' confirmation (L.A. Times) .

The anti- gay, anti-woman, ultra-conservative Family Research Council said that Bush had pratically promised them another justice like Scalia (a very bad supreme court justice, people) and that in nominating Roberts, "that's exactly what he's done" (N.Y. Times).

Others in Roberts' cheering section are Pat Robinson, James Dobsin, and Jerry Fallwell (newmax.com). If you ask me, with the people Roberts has chosen to lie (pun intended) with, it is impossible for him not to have fleas.

But what's that you say? Not convinved of the dangers associated with the religious right? The least election wasn't enough to scare you? You want exact proof of his own political ideology, not just that of his backers?

Well, it just so happens that Mr. Roberts is (though he publicly denied remembering this fact) a driving force in the Washington Federalist Soceity. Hell, he's not only a member, he sits on the steering commitee (Washington Post).

Now, I know federalists don't get much attention nowadays, so it's easy to miss the importance of this connection, but don't be fooled. This is crucial to how Roberts will rule this country from the bench. According to the Federalists Society's website:

"The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies is a group of conservatives and libertarians interested in the current state of the legal order. It is founded on the principles that . . . it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be. "

In other words, if it is not writen explicitly in the Constitution, then it should not be a law.

For instance, the right to unionize is not in the constitution; therefore, the Federalist Society feels unions are unAmerican and have no legal claim.

The right to privacy is not expliciately stated in the constitution, so who have sex with and what form of birth control you use, as well as any medical records you have, are not Constitutionally protected and can be determined and governed by the federal government.

Federalists also tend to think of programs like the New Deal and Social Security as socialist plots to weaken America's powers and do not believe either should be allowed to continue.

So there you have it. John Roberts is helping to run a group that believes the goverment has a right to control what you do with your body and whom you do it with, but doesn't believe in social security or labor unions. This is the ideolody he will bring to the bench, these are the ideas that will be influenicng our lives for the next 40 years, should he be confirmed.

Still think he's harmless? Are you ready to give up your social security (or what's left of it anyway)? Are you ready to give up your right to birth control, or have big brother in your bedroom? Are you ready for your employer to have access to all your medical records? Are you ready to see your local labor unions crumble? If not, then I suggest you contact your senators and tell them to do anything in their power to stop the confirmation of John Roberts, Jr.




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